Welcome to Emerald Feather
Our primary focus is to bring awareness and raise funds for parrot conservation, in particular the Lear’s Macaw Corn Subsidy Project in the Bahia Region of Brazil. Emerald Feather also donates 100% of the sales from photographic greeting cards found on our site to worthwhile parrot conservation projects, one being the Lear’s Project. To learn more about this project, click here.
Emerald Feather is also available to share their knowledge about what it truly means to share your home with a parrot as well as how one can encourage and promote parrot conservation, even if one lives thousands of miles away. Education on the part of the human is KEY to a happy and healthy parrot in your home as well as lending a helping hand to protect the natural resources on our planet. These learning processes never really end!!
Our online gift shop features photographic greeting cards from around the world compliments of photographers S.E Payne and N.R. Lemieux.
We thank you for stopping by today.